How do I register?

Register Here. Complete the form, including the 150-word summary, to submit your registration. You will receive an email response within 48 hours.

When is the next class?

Upcoming course information can be found HERE.

Spring, Summer, and Fall EMT courses are offered annually.

Paramedic courses have several start dates throughout the year.

How long is the class?

Approximate lengths (total time depends on the number of holidays in a semester) 


Day: 3 months and 2 weeks

Night: 4 months and 3 weeks

Online: 4 months


Day: 6 months

Night: 7 months

Hybrid: 7 months


Day: 14 months

Night: 17 months

Hybrid: 12-14 months

Can I tour the campus?

Yes! It is best to schedule an appointment. Administrative hours are 10 am – 4 pm Monday through Friday. We typically break for lunch between 1 -2 pm. If you would like to schedule a tour or speak with administration, please call us at 512-255-3687. Our our office is in Room 418 in the Avery building at Texas State University Round Rock (1555 University Blvd. The Avery building is the building closest to University Blvd.).

How much are tuition & fees?

Course cost details can be found HERE.

Do you accept the GI Bill®, scholarships, or financial aid?

Payment plans are available. Please request a payment plan if preferred when registering for the course.

EMTS Academy is not a tax-funded program, and as a result, does not accept FAFSA or other forms of federal financial aid.

EMTS Academy accepts the following forms of funding:

• Army Credentialing Assistance
• Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill®
• Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill®
• Chapter 35 DEA
• Chapter 31 VRE (Veteran Readiness and Employment)
• Vocational Rehab (Texas Workforce Solutions)

What if I have a criminal record?

Visit TDSHS website for more information pertaining to criminal history. 

Pre-screening available is available HERE

If you are concerned about a prior arrest or conviction, contact the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) at (512) 834-6700 to find out if your record will prohibit you from obtaining a certification.

What vaccines are required?

Most vaccines will be part of your childhood records. If you are unable to locate your records, you can contact the health department where you last attended public school. You may also opt to have your blood tested for serological evidence of immunity for vaccines missing from your records. This is called a Titer Test.

• Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR): 2 doses or serological evidence of immunity.
• Varicella (Chicken Pox): Either 2 doses, serological evidence of immunity, or physician documented history of the disease. Note: Only 1 dose is required if the first dose was received before age 13.
• Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap): Must have received one dose within the last 10 years from start date of course and be kept current throughout the course.
• HEP-B: If you received this vaccine as a child you will need to provide records of a 3-dose Hep-B Vaccine. If you are 18 or older and receiving the vaccine for the first time you may request your health care provider administer the adult 2-dose series. You may also provide serological evidence of immunity.
• TB Skin Test: Negative TB test results are required and must be given within 180 days prior to the class start date. Paramedic students: This annual test must be kept current while enrolled.
• Flu Vaccine: Seasonal vaccine is optional; however, if you opt out you will be required to wear a N95 mask during patient contact during clinical time at hospitals.  Each location has an exemption form that must be signed if the flu vaccine is declined. N95 masks will be provided.
• COVID-19: Completed series or medical or religious exemption. A form will be provided.
• For above immunizations, you will receive a form that must be signed by a physician or other qualified medical professional. Click below to view and download the form.

Is the COVID-19 vaccine required?

Either a completed series of the COVID-19 vaccine or a medical or religious exemption is required to complete the clinical portion of the course in accordance with our clinical contracts. Forms will be provided and a link will be sent to you to upload your exemption or COVID-19 vaccine record.

What if I do not have my immunization records or I am missing a required vaccine?

Visit your doctor or local clinic and request records, schedule injections, or request a blood test on the vaccines above to give you serological evidence of immunity to these diseases.

The vaccine clinic is a cost-saving alternative for those who are uninsured or
under-insured. Click HERE for a vaccine clinic to schedule injections.

What is the required uniform?

The uniform consists of Navy EMS pants, Black Belt, Black Boots, and a Navy EMTS Academy Shirt and Academy patch. If you have an EMS certification in Texas, please request a DSHS patch for the left sleeve. You will receive an email containing the order form after you submit the online registration request form. You are welcome to purchase the black work boots, black duty belt, and navy EMS pants at any location. The shirt with school patch must be purchased at GT Distributors.

GT Distributors

1124 New Meister Ln.

Suite 100

Pflugerville, TX 78660

Phone: (512) 451-8298

M-F 9 am – 5 pm

How do I get my required CPR card?

We accept American Heart Association, BLS Provider Certification Cards only. 
Your CPR card must be issued no more than 6 months prior to the start date of class. 

Recommended local CPR classes can be found HERE.

What textbooks do I need?

NOTE: While you can purchase your textbooks from other sites, there are built-in discounts by using the links on this page.

EMTS Academy does NOT receive any compensation from using the links below but it does ensure that you are getting the correct textbook package.

EMT Textbook Package: Click HERE to purchase

Components of the Package:

  • Prehospital Emergency Care Textbook, 12th Edition 
  • MyBradyLab Student Access Code for Prehospital Emergency Care, 12th Edition

AEMT and Paramedic Textbook Package: Click HERE to purchase

Components of the Package:

  • Sanders’ Paramedic Textbook 5th ed., Navigate 2 Preferred Online Access
    • ISBN: 9781284195026
  • Anatomy and Physiology for the Prehospital Provider 2nd ed., Navigate 2 Advantage Online Access

Paramedic Cardiology Textbook: Click HERE to purchase

  • Basic Arrhythmias 8th ed. by Gail Walraven
    • ISBN-10: 0-13-438099-1
    • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-438099-5